Art and Soul for the Earth
 Big Island of Hawai'i


After four extensive interviews, Lyman tells the mural story from his heart, promising it to be the best story he’s ever produced in his nearly thirty-year career in local television. We are so grateful to Lyman for his beautiful expression of the mural. When he sent the video, he shared,
Early days before the wall was even discernable from the rest of the construction process
The wall begins to be definable.  While construction continues, Calley is deeply engrossed in research, design, interviews, photo shoots, and conceptual development.
Once the wall was complete, the final pass of refinement of the surface, and filling of the reveals to prepare for the mural to begin
The finished wall is an awesome sight, and inspires excitement for what's to come
So much more goes into development of a mural than ever meets the eye.  So many details, so much precision, so many people to answer to.
After winning the commission over 300 contestants, Calley passed five levels of committees, submitted 19 complex documents, including detailed budget, meticulous drawings, and supportive writings.
Calley immersed herself in interviews and research with and through each of the kupuna who are guiding the content and purpose of the mural.  Here she is in process of drawing Uncle Earl Regidor.
Each of the 21 kupuna portraits on the mural will have their hands, faces and feet painted on glass.
Calley works to capture the essence of Ling Nakachi.  Very skeptical at first, Ling was not easy to convince of Calley's intentions.  We feel very honored to have worked with Ling before he passed in 2020.
Every aspect of Calley's design illustrates the purpose and message of Aloha.
It was so exciting to see the first cartoon come to life on the table.  This is the first step to choosing, placing, cutting and placing the glass as it will appear on the wall.
Another first, placing Keala's cartoon on the wall, seeking placement, ready to trace the silhouette on the wall.
The size of the wall seems to change as the figures are added.  What seems so very large begins to come more into focus as the kupuna silhouettes appear.
Choosing and laying colors and textures of glass is an ongoing process.  We can't tell exactly how the glass will go together until it does.
Choosing glass has to happen before we can order enough to fill our glass pantry.
Each of thousands of pattern pieces is placed individually to best utilize the color, grain, and texture of the glass.  Ideally, one mosaic piece flows into the next for cohesion and balance.
Coming together...  Besides the individual colored pieces, each kupuna figure will have the face, hands, and feet painted, rather than pieced in glass.  This allows for a true image of the person to deliver  their message.
The pieces begin to come together, and final adjustments in color and shape.
Peach ad Calley are four hands of skill in masking the aumakua and mandalas in preparation for adding the sky, Earth, and layers of landscaping.  Peach is also an expert at lettering, so she and Calley look forward to lettering the text boxes.
Keala Ching, Ku'ulei Keakealani and Calley at the blessing event.
An even more rare team gathering, including Leianna and Bryan, and even Marc got into the shot.  This was the day of the blessing, so all hands were available to make it a success.  Leianna brought the BEST food, as usual.
Ku'ulei Keakealani blessed us with mo'olelo, helping the rest of us to understand the theme and message of Keala's blessing chant.
Talk about fun!  Every day is a new adventure as we try out different shades, methods, and types of glass.
An array of shades of blue, trying all to get the best result in the end.
Lucky for us, a local restaurant, Moa Chicken, a sake bar, has graciously saved all their sake bottles.
Our prototype of the blue glass plaques that will flow across the wall as The Thin Blue Line.  Research and development continue, and we are not sure if this one will be a final choice or not.  Lamar and Lee are busy trying methods of firing, grinding into fine glass, etc., to get the final product.
At the end of a long day, Noa, Lee and Jeremiah return home.
Here's a quick shot of the whole team, on a rare day when all are present for masking duties.
Julia and Calley designed magnets to adhere to 'command central', our lovely white tool box which houses the myriad supplies and equipment that keep us going on the wall.  Here she is adjusting the edges so they will fit smoothly within the parameters of the tool box area.
Meanwhile, back at the studio, Calley continues work on the stained glass portrait of Keala, painting and firing, and painting and firing, maybe 10 rounds to get his face and hands painted to perfection.
Email Calley:  [email protected]
Watch 2 years of work in 12 minutes!
Kumu Keala Ching and Ku'ulei Keakealani blessed the mural.
Calley talks about the backstory behind the mural.
Cy Duvauchelle created this wonderful presentation on the day of blessing.

Aloha Calley –

Your story has touched me unlike any other I’ve ever worked on. It has made me appreciate at a much deeper level the culture I grew up with.

The message is simple yet clear, and I hope this story, your story, will inspire many others to "do something now."

See you next year to produce our annual update.

Mahalo nui, 

Lyman Medeiros
Owner, Big Island TV